Thursday, September 3, 2009


       HTC HERO The mobile phone apocalypse: it's happening and you don't know it because, err, no one has called or SMSed to tell you. But be warned that the destruction has commenced, and we'll soon become enslaved by phone overlords.
       Don't chuck your cell in the khlong ,hoping parasites will annihilate it though. Phones have already brainwashed us. Our mobile masters have allied with the all-mighty "inebriation",causing us to execute humiliating text messages and calls.
       Mobiles emit powerful rays known as "radiation","spam messages" and "annoying ringtones", weakening our resolve to fight against them.
       When our strength deteriorates, phones will go in for the kill. iPhones and BlackBerries will mate to create the "iBerry",tricking us into thinking their mutant offspring is an ice cream, so it can secretly mutate into life-size forms.
       As the phone apocalypse gains momentum, can the Hero save us?This possible saviour comes from a distant planet known as HTC. The Hero wards off enemies with its tough Teflon coating, and mocks grime with a smudge-repelling layer. It has a protruding "chin" at the bottom of the phone to pulverise the antenna off its foes.
       The Hero works with Google's Android operating system, to create a use-interface weapon called HTC Sense.
       Together, this technological army customises the phone by linking data effortlessly. It's also the first phone that can handle Adobe Flash to blind its rivals.
       Waging war on cell phone predators, the Hero integrates all contact information. That means when mutants are close, the Hero retrieves not only the phone number of the enemy, but also messages, e-mails, photos,and social networking information on a single screen.Nothing scares away marauders more than an embarrassing Facebook photo.
       Don't doubt the power of the 3.2-inch touchscreen Hero. It will liberate us when Earth transforms into a giant cell phone tower.

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